Katarzyna hasnik

A Yoga and Holistic Massage Journey to Inner Bliss, Health and Wellness

Meet Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist Katarzyna Hasnik, the Enthusiastic Citizen of Planet Earth, a radiant soul spreading honest realistic positivity and transparent luminous tranquillity. With a mantra of self-change, she inspires others to embrace their best selves, firmly believing that personal transformation ripples outward.

In her world, Amor Fati (love your fate) and Ancora Imparo (I am still learning) reigns supreme, and obstacles are lessons in disguise. Katarzyna started her yoga path at the age of 12. She is a seasoned Fitness Instructor, Yoga and Pilates Teacher, who has spent decades cultivating wisdom in various schools of yoga (Bhakti, Hatha, Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation etc. including living in an ashram, aśram, temple), holistic therapies (full body, back, neck, shoulders, and head massage, sport massage), Reiki, Angels, Seichem (Sekhem Energy Healing) psychology, and neuroscience, guiding others to find strength and serenity in the ebb and flow of life. In her recent Master of Arts, Design for Change at the Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dún Laoghaire the thesis embraces Health and Education in Technology with a focus on public awareness, attitude and acceptance levels with visual technology devices and accessibility design and addictions to a variety of digital screens impacting not only posture, and eyesight but as well brain, relationship and overall wellness.

Her teachings extend beyond the asanas (yoga postures) and mat, advocating for a stress-free lifestyle and embracing activities from sailing to art, to permit one to have time for own self and others and just be, who we are by knowing our values, virtues, aims, mission, passions and dreams and be able to distinguish them from necessary needs and optional wants. Katarzyna's unique blend of mindfulness relaxation, meditation, and pranayama taps into the healing power within, leading to a happier, more peaceful life regardless of the coming and going away chaos, challenges and obstacles. Life is like the weather, like a sea, steering firmly with resilience is our duty, our freedom of choice, our will.

Observe, pause, choose wisely," she says. Katarzyna Hasnik invites you to embrace the present, creating a life that celebrates the beauty of 'here and now' by the method of awareness.

​Please Note: Booking yoga classes and massage therapy sessions via Community Well. If you would like to know more about her in terms of her major career, please visit her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katarzynahasnik/. You are more than welcome to network as connecting is always valuable to do. Her main profession is also focused on the experience of humans in Human Centre Design in strategic User Experience Research and innovative UX/UI Design.

On her portfolio website in the section Yoga massage therapy https://www.hasnik.com/yogamassagetherapy, you can read all Fitness, Yoga, Pilates holistic therapy, Reiki etc. qualifications and experience. You can find more on her secondary (previous) website focuses on health and wellness: https://hasnik.wixsite.com/hasnikwellness/about. Thank you for understanding that websites are in design progress.

​* Availability for booking body massage sessions and yoga classes will be soon established. 

​Contact Details:
Name: Katarzyna Hasnik

E-mail: katarzyna@hasnik.com

Phone: +353 87 164 00 71
(Preferably SMS or text on WhatsApp due to main job office hours)

Primary career website: 

Secondary (previous) website: 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katarzynahasnik/